Wednesday, September 7, 2011


RH Bill or Reproductive Health Bill “R.A. 5043” is a bill aiming to guarantee universal access methods and information on birth control and maternal care. The bill has become the center of continuous debate. In order to control the population growth of the Philippines the Congress proposed a bill regarding to this issue.
                        Well obviously to be practically and open-minded citizen of this country, I am with RH Bill. Our population increases as time goes by I think it is one of the better way of controlling our population. I don’t know why other people oppose RH Bill, they said they are PRO Life, well almost all Filipino citizen are PRO-life, let me compare and analyze this issue.
An anti-RH Bill said that Abortion is illegal and punishable by law but when abortion complication happens it will be treated in a good manner, is a contradictory statement… RH Bill may be a solution to reduce or at most eliminate the risk of abortion that is when all the contraceptives are working perfectly.
According SEC 4s: Reproductive health is defined as the complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes.
According SEC 26b: Public officials are prohibited from forcing any person to use such services.
As a PRO-RH Bill: As stated above, RH Bill does NOT force people to use contraception. It is an individual’s decision whether to use it or not. This bill should be pass and use in a sanctioned way and not to abort child.
An anti-RH Bill said that the bill consists of immoral principles.
SEC 3a. Freedom of choice must be fully guaranteed by the State.
SEC 3b. Protection of reproductive health and rights of everyone.
SEC 3d: People are among the principal assets of the country.
SEC 3e: People have a right to health, especially the poor and marginalized.
SEC 3f: The State shall promote without bias all safe and effective natural and modern methods of family planning
SEC 3g1: Enable everyone the number and spacing of children they desire
SEC 3g2: achieve equitable allocation of resources
SEC 3g3: ensure partnership between the govt, LGUs, the private sector
SEC 3g4: conduct studies to analyze demographic trends towards sustainable human development
SEC 3g5: conduct scientific studies of safe reproductive health care medicines and methods.
SEC 3h: reproductive health is a joint responsibility of the National Government and Local Government Units;
SEC 3i: Active participation by non-government, women’s, people’s, civil society organizations and communities is crucial
SEC 3j: Abortion is illegal and punishable by law, and women needing care for post-abortion complications shall be treated
SEC 3k: No demographic or population will be exclusively targeted
SEC 3l: Gender equality and women empowerment
SEC 3m: Limited resources of the country cannot be suffered to be spread so thinly to service a burgeoning multitude
SEC 3n: Development is a multi-faceted process that calls for the coordination and integration of policies, plans, programs and projects
SEC 3o: Reproductive health is needed by people throughout their life cycle.
As a PRO-RH Bill: Above are the principles in this bill, I haven’t seen any immoral actions there. It is clear this bill is aiming to decrease our population growth. I know some people who oppose this bill will think and questioned that if contraceptives would be freely given out and taught how to use... Would you want your young daughter doing sex in her young age? Well obviously, there are no parents that would like their daughter and son doing sex in their young age, who would want it anyway? It’s the parent/guardian’s responsibility and duty to preach their children, to teach them the difference between right and wrong, legal and illegal.
         Again, as a concern, practical and realistic citizen, I am PRO to this bill. I think it will help to decrease our population. Anti-RH Bill is a PRO LIFE. Being Pro-RH Bill, I’m after to PRO-QUALITY LIFE. Just think about the qualities and life we have if this bill was passed. Be PRACTICAL. 

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